Monday, November 18, 2013

Make It Monday 11/18/2013

I've been working on a quilt for retiring co-worker Cecilia K. I got the petal shape from an image on a tissue box.

Two stacks of petal shapes, seven petals all together.
Before I pinned the white layer on top, I cut a slit through the green. This was to make it easier to trim away the green later without damaging the white layer.

White layer pinned to the green

Zigzagged over the edge of the white with invisible thread on top, silver on the bottom. I figured the silver would blend with the white if any of it peeked through.


Back - green fabric trimmed away to reduce bulk.  Used small scissors to lessen the chances of cutting through the white.

First two layers. Left - as seen from the front. Right - as seen from the back.

Left - three layers. Right - four layers.
There are seven petals total. I add a layer to all of the petals before I move to the next layer, in an assembly line fashion.

There are seven layers all together. Each round seems to take less time, probably because I've had some practice, and partly because each new shape is smaller than the previous one. Once the petals are done I'll begin constructing three multi-layered circle shapes.

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