Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Horses Quilt

For co-worker Steve S., who is leaving the office for another job. Steve likes horses. 
Original design. 56" x 70". 
Started 1/19/2014, completed 1/20/2014.


Electric Quilt sketch
Design is very similar to Dogs, Dogs, Dogs but one row longer since Steve is tall.

Hard to see here, but brown stripe has little circles similar to the ones in the horse print.
Not shown - rust colored bedsheet from Wal-Mart, a couple of years old but never used, served as the backing.

Cut three squares from each width of fabric. Above are the pieces. Little strip to the right of the center square is waste.

Originally my idea was to stagger the squares something like ABC, BCA, CAB, ABC. But when I laid out the squares on the wall in the original order ABC, ABC, etc., I liked it so I didn't shuffle.


Vertical strips sewn on

Horizontal strips added
For me it's easier and faster to sew long strips and eliminate the cornerstones.

Sewed one half of the quilt top at a time, then joined them. But something was wrong. Where is the bottom? And there's extra wide black in the middle. Turns out I sewed the halves in the wrong order, with the bottom on top and the top on bottom. Seam ripper time!

A little while later - much better.

Quilt top finished
I like that the each fabric stands out on its own.

Once again, the finished quilt.

This was one of the fastest blanket-sized quilts I've ever made. I didn't have much time, as I had only a week's notice that Steve was leaving, and I was still working on Edna's New Signature Quilt. Luckily, I was ahead of the game with Edna's quilt, and had Monday off work. I started the horse quilt on Sunday night and finished late Monday night. The design was simple, with the busy print doing much of the work. I gave the quilt to Steve today, his last day. He was really happy with his quilt. Wishing you all the best in your new job, Steve!

P.S. I gave Edna her quilt today, too. She was very touched. I knew the 60+ people who signed blocks would like to see the finished quilt, and Edna graciously allowed the quilt to be displayed in the central hallway of the office today. Tomorrow is Edna's last day before retiring. Happy retirement, Edna!

Like my Facebook page Traveling Quilter and get more updates on my quilting and my travels.


  1. Funny, the picture with the pieces put together incorrectly reminded me of looking through an old fashioned wooden window with a wider piece in the middle. Good job under pressure to get both quilts finished!! Love them both :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words. You're right, the boo-boo quilt top does kind of look like one of those old windows. Yes, that was quite a feat to pull off a quilt in one day. Steve is a special guy who I've worked with for many years. I wouldn't have wanted him to get away without a quilt from me. He was worth the effort.


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