Thursday, May 23, 2013

WIP Wednesday 5/22/2013

For the past couple of days I've been working on strip sets that represent black and white keys on a  piano or other keyboard -- part of a quilt for organist friend Bob P.

Piano key border blocks

Section of piano key border sewn together
For you keyboardists, this run of fabric strips represents the keys of C to B.

Border sections laid out on design wall
Turns out it wasn't quite right and it became almost comical that I had to rip out seams several times, adding the "right" colors to to get the correct combination of white and black strips.

Ta-dah! Finally got it right.
Again, for you keyboardists, notice that the notes start with C in the top left, and going clockwise, repeat through the scale several times.

Here's a preview with the music themed fabric in the center. A narrow blue border will separate the theme fabric from the black and white strips.

I plan to finish the quilt top this weekend.

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