I've been working on the first set of paper pieced rose blocks. Here is one of the three nearly identical blocks of the set. I'm about a third of the way around the largest section. There are three different reds in each rose block. I think I'll really start to enjoy the look when this first set is done.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you'll enjoy reading about my quilts and travels. I make lots of quilts, many as gifts, some for charity, and a few on commission. I love to travel and I own a car, but I am afraid to drive in heavy traffic. So I often use public transportation to visit big cities. I don't just go on trips--I have adventures!
Looking good!!! Patience is required for a block with this many paper pieces! Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Farm Quilter. Luckily I don't have any quilts due soon. It may take another week to finish all nine roses, but what beauties they will be.