Thursday, January 30, 2014

WIP Wednesday 1/29/2014

Free-pieced heart blocks

The last couple of nights I've been working on a little hearts quilt, inspired by Stargazey Heartz quilts seen online. I gathered a bunch of red and off-white scraps and paired them up. My idea was to free-piece the blocks, but just to make sure I was in the ballpark I made a sketch of a block and kind of measured the width and length of the red strips.

Rough cut strips without measuring too carefully, sewed them together.

Pinned along the seam line just to see how it would work out.

Folded back, pins still in place. Not bad.

Removed pins, stitched.

Trimmed off the excess.

Pressed open

Attached strip along the top edge.

Attached to the other top edge.


Cut a good-sized square (no measuring), then cut diagonally.

Triangles added

Four blocks sewn

I measured the mis-shapen blocks and figured 4.5" unfinished was the biggest cut I could get. Found this template in my little collection of various sizes. Yippee!

Grainline went out the window long ago, so I just found a spot that worked. Drew little pencil marks at each corner, removed the template, then cut the square using a ruler.

Four blocks squared up. Each is different, but that's what I wanted.

Changed the arrangement a little.

I may add some sashing between the blocks, but I may sew them together as they are. Either way, the quilt will be very small. I intend to display it on my bulletin board at work, which is only 17" long. It will be nice to enjoy during February and probably for a while after that.

Patriotic Quilt - Electric Quilt sketch

A sampling of red, white and blue fabrics. Many others will be used, as well.

Tonight I designed a quilt to be made in red, white and blue. I plan to use all stash for the quilt top. I'll start the quilt in a day or two, and I'm sure I'll have it done before President's Day.

Like my Facebook page Traveling Quilter and get more updates on my quilting and my travels.


  1. I like the hearts. It looks fun to piece.

  2. You are so good at creating off the cuff. My table runner is so much simpler than this. I am stuck in the house today with my back, so maybe I will attempt to follow what you did and see if I can come up with something doable. I love the way yours turned out. Please be sure to post the finished creation. I would love to see it. Happy Quilting. genie

    1. Thanks, Genie. Hope you're feeling better by now. Yes, I'll post the finished little quilt, perhaps as soon as this weekend.

  3. This is so awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)


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